
Wednesday, November 5, 2014

America, still the greatest nation on the face of the earth!

For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery. Galatians 5:1

Over the years of performing election judge duties I have been asked "why do I do it, don't you have better things to do with your time, and why sit there for hours waiting for voters to drift in when you could have done other things that bring far greater rewards?" No, I say, the financial rewards are not great. Yes, I could have found greater things to do with my time.  Yes, time drags on when few people come to the polls because of voter apathy. But, that isn't why I do it.

To see the first time voter come in with his parents with smiles on their face as they complete the voter registration paperwork and then to see them pound their fist in the air as they cast their first vote is all the incentive I need.

To see the new American casting their vote in the land of the free after spending years under tyranny in their native homeland is all the payment I need to keep going.

 America, I found, is the only nation that gives the down trodden a place to make a better life and be successful. With all of the educational options we have in this great country, young people have the ability to choose a career they can excel at. Only in America do people of all economic levels have access to education, not the privilege few.

 America, I found, is the only nation that gives those faced with significant barriers a place where they can overcome such barriers with the proper training and support.  In other nations of the world people with disabilities are relegated to the street corners to beg for their food, but in America many of them find careers to spend a lifetime  earning money to support their new family.

To be there behind the table when Presidents and Governors won by landslides and quietly acknowledging that I was there when victory was made is all the rewards I need to continue.

Serving as a election judge doesn't bring vast financial rewards, but the memories that were made each time I do perform those duties make it so worthwhile. Memories of my wife bringing our two children to the poll with me entertaining them while she voted was worth it. To be able to model to my children what it means to live in a democracy and the responsibilities that come with it makes it worthwhile.

Who can ever forget when the first voters, with ink stained fingertips, cast their votes in Iraq's first democratic style  election, even under the threat of assassination by those who hate such freedom? I could only imagine their family telling them not to vote because of the threat of death. Fortunately, they didn't listen to such naysayers.

Why, do I do it? The responsibility of being a judge is the least I can do to say thank you to the men and woman who died for my country.  The freedom of working as a judge came with a cost and doing so is my way of thanking them for their sacrifice.

America, is still the greatest nation on the face of the earth!

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