
Thursday, January 9, 2014

The truth about Scientology as told by L Ron Hubbard's great grandson

And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. John 8:32

My relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ is said to be the most significant relationship in my life. Spending time in God's word when life was going good helped plant my feet on solid ground so when the winds blew and the waves were about to push me over I knew that my Savior would prevent me from falling over. There has been many storms in my life, but nothing as significant as the storm that caused my 10 year old daughter's untimely death following her successful surgery in 2007; a surgery that was meant to help improve the quality of her life I often thank my living Savior for coming in my life that spring of 1974 and changing me from the inside out.

As I write these words I am reminded that there are many people who for some unknown reason have either decided to walk their own path in life without any faith commitment, or they are following other foreign and strange Eastern practices that are nothing more than superstition. L Ron Hubbard was such a man. A man who chose to invent a religion. A man who was able to win converts over to his cause and build a massive money making venture.

The man you are about to hear is the great grandson of L Ron Hubbard. He was raised as a Baptist Christian and he saw the darkness and evil that flows out of the Church of Scientology. As you listen to this man's message please remember that it actually takes more faith to believe the things that flow out of his invention of Scientology than it does in believing the time tested historical record we have come to know as the Bible. After you listen to this man's message you just may want to read the first four chapters of the New Testament gospels better known as Matthew, Mark, Luke and John which tells us about this living Savior we know as Jesus Christ.

It was my personal relationship with Christ that enable me to survive a very painful grief journey of losing my daughter. It is my sincerest hope that you will lean on to Jesus in the dark days of whatever journey you may be on.

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