
Monday, May 9, 2022

Roe V Wade isn't about woman's rights as much as it is about black genocide with the loss of over 60 millions black babies aborted; yet the democrats do not want you know that to make you believe it's all about woman's rights


I really hope that Roe V. Wade is successfully overturned for the one simple reason that we must stop the Planned Parenthood killing machine known as abortion. Royce White, an African American man running for Congress pointed out that Roe v.Wade is a black genocide with over 60 million black babies being slaughtered since 1973 all because of 'choice'. 

I find it appalling that white middle-class women continue to believe that doing away with Roe v Wade will mean the end of woman's health care. This is a bald-faced lie perpetrated by the Democratic party. This will never happen.  What I'm really concerned about that most people are not talking about is the black genocide of more than 60 million black babies being aborted.  In one article I noted that few white women seek abortion for an unplanned pregnancy. 

Why is that?  Did you know, for example, that from Roe v Wade's inception that the majority of abortion clinics were located in predominantly black neighborhoods with social workers feeding referrals to these abortion clinics?  From the schools, our black children attend to the county that feeds pregnant women to planned parenthood the most dangerous place for an unborn child is in the womb of its mother.  These women are never told that there are other options to abort their unborn child such as adoption. They are never told this information because deep down in the bellows of the party is their racist ideas. 

Ever since the American Civil war ended, these former southern slave owners who lost the ability to profit mightily off of slave labor were looking for ways to diminish their people. When they couldn't send them back to Africa, they found ways of terrorizing them. These former southern slave owners became the foundation of today's Democratic party.  They embraced Margaret Sanger's racist ideology as she developed the birth control league which was the precursor for the modern-day Planned  Parenthood.  Even Adolph Hitler embraced her ideology in his quest to destroy millions of Jewish lives through the use of the death camps.

These parasitic Democrats are itching to start a race war by finding ways of solidifying abortion in the event our Supreme Court overturns, as it should, the Roe v Wade law- a law that was based on a lie. Every since the end of the civil war, the former slave-owners have been trying to eradicate the black race. Their line of thinking is, 'if we can't profit from slaves' we might as well get rid of them.'  No one wants to talk about this issue and instead, we conveniently refer to Roe V. Wade as an issue of woman's rights.

I would encourage everyone to watch the historical video on this blog regarding the history of racism in America.  It is my hope that you will see the Democratic party for the evil it has perpetrated through the years through its support of Planned parenthood.  We cannot afford to see 60 million more babies aborted because of the insistence on seeing this as a woman's rights issue.  As a Christian and a follower of Jesus Christ, I cannot think that God is all too happy with the daily shedding of the blood of unborn babies who were fearfully and wonderfully made by God.

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