
Monday, September 7, 2020

Most of us would rather be interacting with our friends than staying apart and social distancing.


For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. 

This week we traveled to my wife's home town and stayed at the family home while making day trips to Stephen, Minnesota to visit her 94 year old mom who presently resides at a assistant living facility. The last time we visited her we were forced to only communicate through a glass panel. We couldn't touch her, nor hug her because of the potential of spreading the Covid-19 virus. This time they loosen the standards and allowed us to visit her out doors under the gazebo. We had several lunches with her during the time we visited her. On our final trip we brought our dog 'Sargon' who was delighted seeing her. We could tell that by the wagging of his tail and wanting to get closer to her. I noticed the joy in this older woman's eyes as her hand rubbed the head and back of this black Labrador retriever who never seems get tired with the attention. 

 This social distancing is hard on everyone of us in this world. Weddings have had to be canceled or post pone because of Covid-19. Graduation openhouses were delayed. Movie theaters were shut down and Public libraries were closed until further noticed. Funeral services couldn't have the same number of people in attendance which made collective grieving (something that is important for all us to help us recover from our emotional pain) 

Most of the public schools were doing either the hybrid model of education or the completely on line learning approach which left some students falling behind- students who learn best with personal interactions with their teachers. Isolation is killing us from a emotional and physical standpoint. We're not allowed to have one to one direct contact with the therapists who help us maintain our mental wellbeing and we're not permitted to see our doctors face to face to treat the very ailments that in the end could kill us from this virus. I believe the lesson from this experience with isolation is that we all do better when we can interact with others. On our way back to the cities we stopped at Itasca State park where we did some hiking. The park was minimally staffed due to Covid-19.

 The indoor dining service was closed with the chairs stacked and the gift store stayed closed which deprived the park from making some profit. 

 Tomorrow evening I, along with my team of 2 others will begin facilitating our next 13 week Grief share cycle. We will use a hybrid approach with some watching on line and others in class. We will be complying with the Governor's orders of wearing masks and social distance.

Grief is one of those things that simply cannot wait for the virus to disappear. The death of a loved one, sibling, parent, child, can be so devastating that it can cause biological changes to the bodies immune system. For some, unresolved grief can lead to early and untimely death or further disabilities like untreated diabetes, smoking, out of control drinking and for some vaping- all things that can make hard to survive a corona virus. 

 If you are someone who is experiencing a recent tragic and catastrophic loss I encourage you to find a group near you. If you live in the Northwest quadrant of Minneapolis I encourage you to try our grief share group at the extended campus 4741 Zealand Ave N, Minneapolis, MN 55428 (763) 533-2449 As you navigate through your journey please remember that our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ wants to walk with you through the uncertain valleys of your grief.

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