
Saturday, November 2, 2019

TobyMac fans rally to offer comfort in the passing of his son, Truett

Faith isn’t pretending our problems don’t exist, nor is it simply blind optimism. Faith points us beyond our problems to the hope we have in Christ. — Billy Graham

TobyMac fans poured out their love and support after the sudden loss of his son Truett. There is no greater pain than when a mom and dad lose a child because it wasn't supposed to be that way.

 When a parent encounters the sudden death of a child it rocks their whole world from the smiles and laughter to incredible gut-wrenching pain. Pain that is so deep and so intense that it is difficult for the world to understand. Parents are quite literally shocked when those people they thought would come to their side to sit with them in their grief don't, but they are surprised by the new friends they never knew before come to their side listening to their deep sorrow.   

A friend shared the isolation they felt as they began the grief journey after losing their young child and how hurt they were when well-meaning friends never said a word to them. Some friends may not know what to say to a couple while others don't want to go there because of the possibility that such a loss could happen to them. 

When this type of loss occurs we are at a crossroads.  We can either be angry with God that He would allow something like this to occur or we can trust God and allow him to help us walk this painful journey with us.  Pursuing the angry road will only lead to drugs, alcohol and other self-destructive behaviors while trusting God will lead to eventual peace.  The better approach after the loss of a loved one is to put one foot in front of the other and continue going to a church that worships Jesus Christ.

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