
Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. 2 Corinthians 4:16

Every couple of years I sit as an election judge to help make sure our election day process is fair and impartial. Though the days are long and at times tedious and boring, I continue performing this function because I believe in the democratic process that makes our great nation one of the greatest nations to live in.

I must admit though that there are some who lose that hope, but what I saw last night were people who were excited about exercising their right to vote. I saw the mom's accompanying their 18-year-old adult children and witnessing their first time voting experiences and their beaming smiles that they did it. I watched one new voter doing a victory fist in the air the moment the vote counting machine successfully captured their ballot. I watched 'new American's casting their vote and the smiles as they witnessed their vote being counted. I could not help picturing them living in their former countries where groups of dangerous militias kept them from voting.

Like in all the other years, I think we place a false hope in the candidates we elect. We think they're infallible and worse, we place them on a pedestal as though they are a god. Yet, if we do that we resign ourselves to a personal calamity when we learned their candidates personal and professional failing that they are not perfect, nor are they there to assure your own personal happiness.

But our God in heaven, the one who sent his son, Jesus, to die for you, is the one who wants to at the center of your being. 2 Corinthians 4:16 is a reminder that while outwardly we're wasting away ( aging process, effects of cancer, and other diseases) our inward being is being renewed day by day.

This is a poetic reminder that God gives us a reason to live in this world regardless of what challenges we might be facing.

Our politicians are not perfect which means after they are elected we need to consider writing to them about the issues we care about. Politicians, I've learned are especially drawn to the letters that are written from the heart- some that flow out of the personal tragedies of their lives- another reminder that God will not waste your pain.

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