
Sunday, January 21, 2018

Changes to our immediate world can upset grieving people which is why I remind myself just as it states in Hebrews 13:8 'Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever'

8 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. James 13:8

As much as I value change and forward motion, I'm also insecure.  The loss of a child or spouse/parent often upsets the order of what we're used to having in life.  

We automatically assume that everyone will live to a ripe old age before succumbing to the ills of life and die. Never in my wildest dreams did I envision that one of my children wouldn't make it out of childhood alive! 

 But when she died, I had feelings of abandonment that surfaced- often at times when sleep was much needed. Like everyone else, I had hopes that my kids would be the ones who would bury their dad. It's the order of things we become accustomed to in life. It's what it's supposed to be.

 However, life doesn't always go the way we think it ought to go. Just take a look at the day's headlines and you will see that children die every day.  Behind those headlines are a group of shocked and bewildered parents wondering why it happened. In their mind, it isn't what was suppose to be. 

Which is why most of us search for things to be the same- our security is linked just knowing that others will be there in our lives- and when they're not we become a momentary bowl of mush. 

A recent example of this was when I found out that our Church's music director announced God's calling to be a teaching candidate at a different church. I readily admit when I heard the news, my world momentarily crumbled. My thoughts were ' this music director' knew when we were a family of four and the more people who leave us the fewer people will know that we once had a daughter. (You can fill in the blank with your deceased loved one's name and the impact will be the same.)  

While people may come and go in your life, I've learned that my Savior and Lord, Jesus, remains the same yesterday, today and forever just as Hebrews 13:8 reminds us.

As I continue to journey to life trusting God with every step, I'm often surprised by His blessings.

The emotions of losing our music director may ebb and flow a little while, but when the new person puts on the former directors 'shoes'  we will quickly learn to adapt to this new style of leadership. 

As I reflect on my life, I remind my self that being around godly people in the place of worship every week is more valuable to me even if I have to contend with those occasional lows when someone decides to listen to God's heart and candidate at a different church. 

In the end, change is good for all of us- it makes us strong and forces us to lean on Him who is the same yesterday, today and forever.

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