12 Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, 2 looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God. Hebrews 12:1-3
Our lives are like an open book, filled with exciting chapters hard to put down.
For those of us who are believers in the Lord Jesus, God often pens those pages.
He is the author of our lives who speaks words of wisdom into our hearts when things do not go quite like the way we think they should go.
He speaks to us as we transverse through time
Alas, He is there when we were little kids falling for the first time and bellowing out to our mom and dad.
Our pages are filled with birthday wishes, celebrations of accomplishments, and those occasional moments of sorrow when pain enters our lives.
There are also those pages where God speaks to us through His word from those who lived before us all the way to the promises of God through the exciting Gospels of Jesus.
Each year we live is an exciting one for us as we wonder how God will pen those future pages in our lives.
In God's eyes, no life is considered worthless. He desires all of us to allow the hand of God to pen our chapters into pages of His fresh aroma filled with hope.
You may have had a rough year in 2017, but one year shouldn't be viewed as a failure- not when God is still writing the pages of your chapters.
Thank you, Jesus, for being the author of our lives, for giving us the promises you laid out to us in the holy scriptures.
Thank you for each page-turning chapter and for the many ones that still remain unwritten. Thank you for showing me the way through troubled times, how you helped us navigate paths we seemingly thought impossible to travel.
Thank you, Lord, for those whose book has been completed and for the moment they experience the fresh aroma of your presence in a place we all yearn to be once our lives reach their mighty conclusion with the concluding words of your hand and the completed leather bound book ready to be read by others transversing through time, wondering as they might how their own chapters will read under the mighty hand of the Savior.