
Saturday, March 5, 2016

The greatest gift we can give to our children is to teach them how to grieve.

In your unfailing love you will lead the people you have redeemed. In your strength you will guide them to your holy dwelling. Exodus 15:13

My wife shared this piece in a new's letter from the care ministries at our church. As I read it it occurred to me that most people are not equipped for the inevitable storms of this life. We protect our children from the inevitable future pain when we leave them with relatives each time we go to a funeral. Some Adults refused to attend such events because it makes them sad.

I learned that one of the greatest ways of surviving the storms of life is to always keep the same rituals you had before your loss occurred. For our family, it was making sure we got up and attended our same church and eating out at our families favorite restaurant. You see, rituals give us comfort and security. 

Healthy families, I have learned, maintain their rituals in the face of unspeakable tragedy.

"The best plan for surviving a storm is preparation. No seasoned fishermen or responsible ship captain sets across the open sea without a thorough knowledge of the vessel's equipment and without making sure all is in proper working order. They rarely leave without having first spent sufficient time going over the navigation charts – studying the weather patterns and acquainting themselves with dangerous passages.

And they never leave port without anchors. That's for certain. No one wants to be shipwrecked. But the reality is, it happens, not only on the open sea, but also in life.

The secret of survival is what you do ahead of time in calmer waters. If your life is storm-free as you read this, I urge you to take advantage of this peaceful lull. Spend time in God's Word. Study the inspired charts He has given you for the journey of life. Deepen your walk with Him through prayer and personal worship.

Then, when the inevitable winds of adversity begin to blow, and they most certainly will blow, you'll be ready to respond in faith, rather than fear. Don't wait. Check those anchors while it's smooth sailing. You'll be glad you did.

And while you're at it, pick out a specific God-given promise you'll be able to cling to, put your index finger on it, and tell the Lord you're anchoring yourself to it."

As we approach the Easter Jesus has risen season let us remember that we have a Savior who will guide us through whatever life's storms deliver! He will teach you how to grieve for your loved one and he will help your heal from that grief

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