
Sunday, January 11, 2015

If ever there was someone who deserved to carry a grudge it was Louie Zamperini

Proverbs 17:22A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.

Bullied as a kid
Disciplined harshly by his earthly father
laughed at by his older brother
Chased after by the local police
petty crimes

After years of preparation and encouragement of his running ability
Louie went to the Olympic games
where he was bunched in by other runners
spiked in his ankles
he never gave up and finished the race with bloodied ankles and all

When he enlisted in the service and was assigned to a bombardier 
he survived multiple days in a life raft
with two survivors 
sharp infested waters
shot at by Japanese war planes
until their raft found land
the wrong island
surrounded by gun toting Japanese who
cruelly beat him
At the encouragement of a Japanese superior 
named Bird
he was beaten to a bloodied pulp
at the slightest indiscretion
Louie never gave up his will to live

through the life of his bombardier partner
he discovered that there was a man 
who suffered far worse than he
a man who performed miracles and spoke many truths from the bible
a man that was God's son
who came to reconcile the world
to give hope to everyone 
that called upon his name
Jesus gave him the will to live
to forgive his captors
to forgive even the Bird who was the cause of most of his grief
wants us to live in harmony  with those we consider our enemies
What we consider impossible  to do as humans

Jesus helps us do the impossible
and help you to forgive past relationships
help heal those past sour friendships
that cause bitterness to take root

Louie Zamperini had every right to remain bitter
through the power of Jesus Christ 
he turned to the Cross and laid down his bitterness
his hatred
and gave it all to God

and when the Olympic games came to Japan 
he carried the torch 
as thousands of Japanese bystanders 
cheered him on
Now that is the power of forgiveness!!

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