
Thursday, December 25, 2014

No more room, a child is born

Luke 2:14King James Version (KJV)
14 Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.

Imagine, if you will, you had been the chosen one to bring Mary to a safe place so her baby could be born.

As you are walking and guiding the donkey she was sitting on you are hoping her time wouldn't come until you reached the destination.

Your feet are no doubt sore and your muscles ache with every step you are taking over this rough terrain. As you get closer to Bethlehem panic begins to take over as you hear Mary, sending you to quickly sweep the landscape in search of any suitable place you could find so Mary could give birth to God's son, the salvation of the world.

You have now reached Bethlehem and from Mary's cries you know you do not have much time to find this place for God's chosen one to be born. You are now running from door to door asking if there is any room with the reply back to you, "sorry I can't help you", or "I am full for the night". Your heart is now pumping hard as though it would burst out of your chest at any moment.

You try one more place up the road in Bethlehem and their initial response was the same as those before, but then they noticed Mary's condition and lead you back to the stable where they keep the animals. You noticed the stable had a empty feeding trough. You help Mary off the donkey onto a comfortable bale of hay that would normally been provided for the animals, but on this night it would provide Mary with the support she would need to give birth the the salvation of the world, peace on earth, Jesus. At first you are thinking you failed in your mission. After all, this feeding trough was the best you could find? Little did you know that God would use this humble beginning to create the greatest story ever told, salvation to all the world, peace on earth.

For Joseph and Mary to get to this point in their journey God spoke to them through angels and dreams. In Matthew 1:20 it was written these words: But after he had considered this, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, "Joseph son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife, because what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit."

God continues to use dreams to this day to speak truth to his people. Dreams are often used to bring people to a new hope of salvation. Dreams often lead people to major life changes like giving up drugs and alcohol and giving assurance to people who are grieving that everything is going to work out for the good.

Today, a child is born. The prince of peace was born to bring hope unto the world where no hope is found. Through this baby Jesus lives have and continue to be changed forever.

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