
Monday, December 1, 2014

Those sleepless nights when the questions of old come back to you

11 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Hebrews 11:1

On those nights I lie awake in bed when my body wants to rest I have visions of my loved one and the questions that go with it. 'Why God' seems to be the nagging question of the moment, at a time I would much rather sleep to prepare me for yet another day. 'What if God' I was there at the most crucial time my loved one needed me then maybe that person would still be here.

 Tossing and turning I try with all my might to fall asleep and I guess it is quite natural for those of us in grief to at times stay awake; after all, the  love for the one that died was not a fleeting love and I cannot expect my grief at this time to be a fleeting grief. For those moments like these I say a simple prayer.

Dear Jesus,

Let me experience the heavenly air my loved one tastes.
Let me feel the gentle breezes,
Let me taste heaven's seas that my love one is experiencing.
Finally, please give my loved one a hug from her family.

It seems that when I turn those why's and what if's into a prayer back to God he answers them with the sleep I need.

Jesus understands the pain you are experiencing. He is on both sides of the veil. He experiences the absolute joy of your loved one and he walks with you on your journey of grief.  If you could hear one thing Jesus might say to you  it is this:  "Your journey isn't complete and I will use what ever pain you are going through to reach the souls that do not know my peace and hope for the things yet to come." 

Our God is faithful. He is always true and the things that are written his book are meant to give you life.  One day, you will wake up filled with joy as you begin to see God's promises unfold in your life. 

May God richly bless you on this journey of grief.

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