Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. Proverbs 3:5
One of the people that really ministered to me during my grief was Ray Vanderlaand. Ray is known as the guy who takes groups of people on tours of the Holy land in the very places that Jesus was known to be. Some day I want to tour these places, but through the revolution of Youtube I was able to experience these places without buying an airline ticket.
When grief overwhelms us these are the times our eyes look upward looking for signs of God's control.
Grief has taught me that I am not in control of these circumstances. I think I have control, but I really don't . I am small in this large universe. Before grief came into my life I thought was 'king of the hill', ' man of the hour' or 'Super man able to leap tall buildings in a single bound. After I entered this forlorn, sad place I never in the world dream of being in did I realize how much I needed God to show me the significance of what just happened and to show me that He truly cares for my family and me.
Grief reminds us the importance of putting one foot in front of the other and honoring God each Sabbath week. It reminds me of the importance of being in fellowship with other believers. When we place one foot in front of the other and force ourselves to walk on burning sand God begins to heal us of our pain of loss. Only by looking to the cross do we find meaning for the tragic things that happen in our lives.
I hope this video entitled 'the path to the cross' encourages your faith.