
Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Where is the line to see Jesus?

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life

The funny thing about grief is how it changes one's perspective on life. When you have a loved one in heaven suddenly your heart changes to the things that matter most to God. Christmas time is one such time I reflect on what  Jesus did for each of us and for what God did when he gave Joseph and Mary a new born baby through a immaculate conception Their hearts were changed as they saw that God had picked them to raise what would one day be the salvation for the world.

Shopping at Christmas time is said to be the make it or break it mark for the majority of retailers They try not to offend any cultural groups who will be bringing the money into their store and so they adopt a more neutral attitude toward  this Jesus thing.  They know that a good profit during this time will determine whether their store flourishes or becomes another victim to the going out of business sales  in the new year.

Years ago the city I lived in would put a lighted decoration in front of  City hall that actually said 'Merry Christmas' until someone said them. The next year they took out Christ and just had Merry Xmas. Then later our city decided to not have anything in front of city hall, except large lighted snowflakes. Do you see the insanity of this rush to neutralizing the meaning behind this holiday?

The reality for me is Christmas time is more than shopping for gifts. It is  a time to reflect on the good news that Jesus brought to us which is after this short earthly life is over we will experience everlasting life with Jesus in a wonderful place we call heaven. Until we are called home we have the loving Savior who will walk with us through the peaks and valleys in this life. That is the good news and that is worth proclaiming to the world that is crying to find meaning in their existence.

As you shop this Christmas season looking for gifts to give your loved ones, remember to say a prayer thanking God for the greatest gift of all: a baby brought into the world in humbling circumstances who will one day be the salvation to a world crying out for significance.

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