
Tuesday, December 18, 2012

In all due respect sir I think this is going to be our finest hour

Fiscal cliff, school shootings, shorter days and longer nights, economic uncertainty are just some of the things that cause us to despair.  As I laid in bed trying to sleep I remembered the famous words uttered by the Apollo 13 chief to quiet down all of the naysayers in the mission room.

It seems that at times misery likes company.  It is easier to come up with reasons why something cannot be done than it is to come up with a solution to the problem.  What if Thomas Edison had given up on ever inventing the light bulb as failure after failure occurred?  What if Alexander Graham Bell gave up on inventing the telephone as he saw his experiments fail? What if our government had decided to give into the south and instead of being one great nation we remained two smaller entities?  

Some of the greatest accomplishments have occurred in the 'finest hours'. Some of the greatest political accomplishments have occurred when there are known deadlines approaching.  In regards to the fiscal cliff 24 hour coverage the media isn't telling us all of the closed door meetings that are currently going on to work out a deal.  All we are seeing are short quotes from both parties which are design to maximize the media coverage.

After our daughter passed away I discovered through my season of grief that God has been and continues to be the master of comeback stories.  It doesn't matter which book you read, old or new testament, you will notice many come back stories.  If we trust God and believe that He can do what he says in the bible we will come out stronger at the end of our season of grief than we first went in.

If you are in a season of grief where it is hard for you to be positive try watching movies like Apollo 13, It's a wonderful life,  and Rudy because these are all comeback movies where against impossible odds great things were accomplished.  

As you see your self getting discouraged imagine that you wife turns to you with a smile on her face and says, "In all due respect sir, this is going to be our finest hour",

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