
Wednesday, August 15, 2012

World's most famous Atheist scientist now believes that all things are created by God


For many years we have watched the debate between those who believe in the creationist theories and those who believe in evolution. Anthony Flew who was the world's most famous atheist scientist now has changed his view that all things are created by God rather than by chance. 

I know that for our family and all of the families who have experienced losses it is the hope that we have in Christ that helps us conquer the deep emotional pangs of grief.  Our daughter Maria had a smile on her face when Linda walked into her bedroom in the early morning hours of June 10th, 2007.  Since we were strong believers in Christ we surmised that Maria saw Jesus that late night/early morning hour and while we were left with nothing more than a shell  she was experiencing and bathing in the warmth of heaven and the arms of Jesus.

Jesus had a wonderful plan for her life and under perfect conditions her life would have continued, but because Maria knew her Lord and Savior she had the assurance that should anything happen to her life that she would experience eternal life.

Where are you at in terms of your relationship with God?  Are you sitting on the fence not ready to make a commitment to Jesus even though he is knocking on the door of your heart right now?  Are you thinking that you have things to do in your life and places to see and when you finished those things THEN you will commit your life to Christ? Are you exploring all of the other religions of the world to see what they have to offer and if you do not find fulfillment in those then you would consider the things Jesus has done.

No one is promised that they will live to an old age. Accidents do happen that bring an abrupt end to peoples lives.  If you pray a simple prayer inviting Christ to come into your life you will, like our daughter, have the assurance of eternal life.

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