
Sunday, June 28, 2020

We need to be much less judgmental and learn to listen to the stories of our minority brothers and sisters.

John 13:34-35 [Full Chapter]

“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”

Over the last couple of months I've heard  a few friends ask why must we discuss the race issue in Church, and shouldn't we be focusing on the things in scripture that will make us feel good through the rest of the week?  In reality, Sunday mornings are the most segregated hour of the week as we sit by like folks that are just like us.  I learned this growing up in St. Louis Park which was home to the largest group of holocaust survivors- our neighbors were Jewish, but we went to separate houses of worship and very seldom saw our paths cross.  Yet, as I looked from afar in my complacent self I watched the children across the street being picked on for no other reason than that they were Jewish while waiting to board their Talmud Tora school bus.

10 months ago there was a beating of a young white person outside Target field by several young black people. Talk show host, Tucker Carlson, was quick to say that this was caused by a Somalian gang, but this was quickly discredited. 

Why are we so quick to look at a group of minorities and assess them to be a gang, but at the same we look at a group of white young people and simply say they are good friends? In my opinion, this is another example of systemic racism that permeates through much of our society. Instead of casting judgments of a certain minority group, why not roll up your sleeves and learn to listen to their stories? Why not break out of your comfort zone and talk to them? When the all clear is signaled from this Pandemic, why not invite them out for lunch or a cup of coffee? Minorities want to be treated as equals who feel like you value them for their friendship, not simply as a project so you can check it off of your list for that day. 

Once you get to know and understand them, you just may discovered that the two of you have more common than you do.

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