
Saturday, January 25, 2020

I discovered this morning the connection between stress hormones and glucose.

I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful,
I know that full well. Psalm 139:14

As many of you may know I'm watching and lowering my glucose sugar.  I discovered this morning the delicate relationship between our stress hormones and it's effects on glucose.  This morning when I took our black Labrador retriever outside to do its business he jerked hard on his collar and ran away without it.  I had nothing but a loose collar connected to the leash which now rested on the ground with Sargon making a mad dash across the street.  The chase was on.  I could feel my stress hormones kicking in as I tried to figure out a plan to 'capture' him.  I walked over to our neighbors who also had a black labrador named molly who was also a runner. Coincidentally, Molly and Sargon come from the same litter.  The City of Coon Rapids police department was notified to be on the lookout of this renegade dog. 

One hour later, our next neighbor, Shane, who has a way with retrieving renegade dogs saw Sargon whistling at the same time and asking him if he wanted to go for a ride.  Sargon wagged his tail and ran cheerfully over to Shane who was able to get a collar on him before he knew what was happening. 

 When things settled down I typed in the words will stress increase blood glucose levels. The response I received was 'yes' as the stress hormone rises it will trigger an enormous increase in the glucose levels.   As I read those words I thought about all the comfort food we eat when we are feeling down that comes with grieving a loss. At the same time, our energy level declines while sleep becomes our greatest comfort. Too many sweets and not enough exercise will ultimately lead to illness and disease.  

This is why I recommend that everyone experiencing the loss of someone special to see their primary doctor so they can follow you on your journey.  Once this is done I encourage everyone to really work on the emotional ramifications of their loss through a individual therapy and or grief support groups like Grief Grief share is a group that teaches you to go through the pain, not around it.  Lastly, I encourage those suffering from this pain to develop an exercise plan to keep your stress hormones to a minimum.

I also urge you to get involved in a bible believing church where you can benefit from the pastoral teaching and fellowship with other believers.

As you do those things, in time, you will see the successful completion of your journey.

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