
Saturday, January 11, 2020

For better or for worse, in sickness and in health until death do we part

Two are better than one,
because they have a good return for their labor:
10 If either of them falls down,
one can help the other up. Ecclesiastes 4

When we were much younger it was hard to see the sickness or the worse of times in our lives. We were two people in love who made a commitment before God that we would always be there for each other.  We were planning trips together to see close friends and distant family members. Life was going to one celebratory event to another celebratory event. We celebrated each others lives from the birth of children to baptisms, to music recitals.   Our commitment to each other went beyond the better and it certainly went beyond good health.

I heard that some couples were dropping the 'in sickness and in health from their marriage vows. Those with money were drawing up pre-nuptial agreements as though they left the door ajar in case something didn't work out in their relationship.  I admire people who stay committed to their spouses through the most difficult times of their lives. I admire this quality in people because it reveals their strength of character.

There is a joy when we see the continuation of our marriage relationship through trying times.  Regardless of whether it is cancer, heart disease, or any number of other debilitating health problems, when we stay committed to our spouse we will see God blessing us in so many ways from a stronger bond to watching little miracles take place. 

God wants to have a loving relationship with each of you. His indwelling holy spirit is available to reside in you if you would only ask Christ to come into your heart.  When two people who love Jesus with all their heart they each have the indwelling Spirit that is ready to guide them through those unforeseen turbulent times that lie ahead.

The best thing any couple can do is stay committed to Christ while attending a bible believing Christian church nearby.  You will see our living and breathing Savior guiding your paths and being a comfort for your souls.

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