
Sunday, September 29, 2019

This day started off with blood draws, breakfast at Daily Dose, wig shopping, lunch out at Good EArth, to having a conversation with a friend about PTSD while waiting for my wife's car being serviced. God reminded me once the importance of sharing our faith stories with those around us.

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11

Today, I saw many signs that God was making all things new again on our journey with cancer. The day began with driving her to the U of Mn Maple Grove clinic for a blood draw before going over to the Daily Dose for a breakfast muffin and a cup of coffee. The two of us had a wonderful conversation about life, our son, a brief remembrance of our daughter, and the upcoming surgery. Originally, this surgery was to take place on December 23rd, but now they found an earlier calendar date that works better. When she explained to the scheduling nurse about wanting an earlier date, the nurse originally said everything was booked until she re-opened the calendar and noticed this one singular earlier date. She called her back and with astonishment said, "I'm not sure how this happened but there is an earlier date."  My wife said to her, " maybe it is because I was praying?"

Through the years I've seen marriages fall apart when significant health issues surface with one or the other person Instead of committing to marriage counseling one or the other, or both, seek the services of a lawyer for the 'quick and easy divorce.'  Instead of bailing on their spouse and staying the course they would have seen God intervenes in ways they never thought possible.

I noticed my wife's hair was really coming back.  She mentioned to me she would like to get a 'transition' wig to wear in the meantime. So our day consisted of 'wig' shopping.  Our trek took us first to a store in Brooklyn Park before finally finding one at a store not far from the Rosedale Mall. After about an hour of trying on a variety of wigs, she found one that bought out her personality and her Pizzazz.  We were now hungry and decided to eat at the Good Earth nearby. It was there we had more conversations with each other.

On our drive home, I mentioned I would like to take her car in for an oil change. I dropped her off and made it to Main motors before the service department closed at 3:00.  As I walked over to the waiting room, I saw two people who recognize me right away and greeted me. Like a V8 moment, I realize that the gentleman was a City of Coon Rapids first responder who was on duty the night Maria died.  He remembers hearing the 9-1-1 call that night and had it not been that his shift was ending he would have been the one responding to that call. Jason and his wife had young children who attended Meadow Creek Christian school, the school our kids attended.

I shared with him the amazing things God has been doing in our lives from my son's marriage and having a new daughter-in-law to facilitating a grief share ministry and walking alongside others experiencing loss to my wife's cancer journey and the recent pronouncement of her cancer-free status.

I asked him how he was doing to which he said that his doctor said he could not return to his job because of PTSD.  As we talked about his journey I discovered from him the huge numbers of law enforcement, EMT's and firefighters who struggle with this diagnosis.  As he was sharing he said to me that "the people in my profession see things every day that no one ought to see."   I reminded him the night the City of Coon Rapids emergency response team came out to our house that I was struck how when the three of us were 'frozen' and in shock they were trained to take command of the situation. 

I reflected on a seminar I once heard on line about a hospital that began having 'grief rounds' to help their doctors process the trauma of seeing one of their patients die with the outcome being a 'healed' doctor who was now ready to tackle what lies ahead.

God honors us when we decide to keep our marriage vows in more ways we can count. Who would have thought that being in that Main Motors waiting area, God would allow me to encourage a former officer struggling with PTSD?  It also reminded me how important it is for us as believers to share our 'faith' stories with those around us- you simply do not know how God is going to use those stories for good in those we meet.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

This has been a hard week for many with the hyperbole of our political scene, but remember that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.

27All things have been entrusted to Me by My Father. No one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal Him. 28Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:27-28

In the '70s when I was in high school, this was one of the songs that helped me to accept Jesus Christ aa my Savior and Lord of my life. I remember buying a Chuck Girard 8-track tape and listening to it through my headphones. The lyrics helped comfort me so I could drift off to sleep before the start of a brand new day. As you listen to the lyrics you realize this song continues to be relevant even for today. 

I remember seeing a friends picture consisting of trunks of all of his earthly possessions as he described his move overseas.  Our burdens can be described as the trunks in that picture.  How many of us would rather carry our burdens, our stresses, and our pain on our backs thinking we can solve our problems without turning to the one source for our comfort-God's son who He sacrifices his life for us all? 

This week has been another burden filled week of impeachment proceedings and wondering what's going to happen to us in the meantime.  In the 1970's when this song was first published there was another President facing impeachment proceedings who resigned; yet, we survived.  World and local events will come and go, but we must keep in mind that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow
There was crime in the '70s just as there is crime today, but our Savior is the same. He is the living water who gives us life. "But whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again. The water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life."
When grief enters your soul and life become too much to bear, I encourage you to lay your burden down, open up the bible and read the Gospel of John about the promises God has for you. Then, consider inviting the Savior into your life.

Lay your burden down, lay your burden down
Take your troubled soul, your tired mind
And lay your burden down
Lay your burden down, get your feet on solid ground
Take your worries to the foot of the cross, and lay your burden down

Lay your burden down, lay your burden down
Take your weary life, your heavy load, and lay your burden down
Lay your burden down, get your feet on solid ground
Take your failures to the foot of the cross, and lay your burden down

(Lay your burden down)
You've been tryin' hard to make it all alone
Tryin' hard to make it on your own

And the strength you once were feelin', isn't there no more
And you think the wrong you've done, is just too much to be forgiven
But you know that isn't true
Just lay your burden down,...He has Forgiven you

Lay your burden down, lay your burden down
Take your burden to the cross, and lay it down
Lay your burden down, lay your burden down
Take your worries to the cross and lay them down

Sunday, September 22, 2019

If You Could See Me Now (HD) A blog post in honor of a first cousin who lost his wife to cancer

My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. John 14:2-3

Yesterday was a day of helping Joel remember his wife who fell to the ravishes of cancer just a week before. This 'celebration' was held at their home in Rush City, Minnesota. I enjoyed seeing Connie's pictures displayed on a large table in his home and listening to the story of how they met. Joel and I were the cousin's closest in age and hence we often hung out at the few family reunions my family went to over the years.  Joel's dad taught his two sons how to hunt and fish and how to shoot a hunting rifle.  He developed a love for the outdoors whether it was on a lake, in the open field hunting deer, or building homes as a contractor- so it wasn't surprising that he met his wife at a cabin.

I was lamenting his loss, just as he lamented with me that there wasn't a day that he didn't stop thinking of my daughter Maria.  He was there in 2007 at the funeral home in Anoka waiting in the long line to see our daughter. 

As I tell people  I meet, we live in a fallen world where bad things happen to good people.  In a more perfect world, there would be no cancer, nor would there be pain medication that would lead to the death of a loved one following their 'routine' orthopedic surgery.

'If you could see me now' are lyrics that should bring all grieving people to comfort because it reminds us that our loved one is now in a beautiful place, a place that all of us will be one day because of what Jesus Christ did on the cross of calvary for all of our sin's.

When we lose a loved one after spending so many years with that person it will take time to recover from the pain associated with that loss.  This is where faith plays into it- to continue one's commitment to a local church, one footstep at a time, regardless of how you're feeling from moment to moment while trusting that God understands what to do with your pain is the secret to grief recovery.  I've learned that it is when we are broken that God speaks closes to us.

For anyone experiencing the emotional heartbreaking pain, I would encourage you to find a 13-week grief share group near year. Grief share will teach you how to go through the pain, not around it.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Every child, regardless of disability or race deserves the chance to show what they can do in the eyes of God.

9 As He passed by, He saw a man blind from birth. 2 And HiThe human will is often stronger than one disability. Over the years, I found this concept true when working with young and older adults with a physical, mental or severe learning disability- when you give people hope by reminding that they can do it, many will rise to that level.

When a child is born with a disability, we look for professionals and services to help them overcome their barriers.

It worries me that the same propaganda Hitler mouthed off in the pre-world war two days is once again rearing it's ugly head with the talk of designer DNA, cloning and using selective abortion to eliminate what we do not want. It is my humble opinion that we're playing God and making decisions we're not meant to be making.

In Nazi Germany, propaganda and a deteriorating economy, lead Hitler set up concentration camps and send anyone that didn't fit his mindset of a perfect race to the gas chambers. It all sounded good at the time- to use those sanitarians to house the war injured instead of the severely disabled. In an article from the Catholic culture is this statement, "The juxtaposition of severe economic constraints, crowded asylums, the attachment of levels of economic viability to human worth, and the sense that people with disabilities formed a burdensome and often criminal element in society all significantly added fuel to ethical debates concerning euthanasia and sterilization. By the late 1930s, there was an open discussion among many asylum administrators about actually killing inmates"

The Catholic church is under attack, but I know from experience that it is the worldwide catholic orphanages, run by our nuns, that have been a refuge to children.

In one case from that era, they described the Knauer child as a frail child with several severe disabilities ( their opinion). While the case has become quite mythologized, it seems that she was blind, without one leg and part of an arm, severely mentally retarded, and suffered from chronic convulsions (Friedlander, 1995; Lifton, 1986; Proctor, 1988). Her father petitioned the Nazi authorities to grant her a "merciful death" but received no official response. Subsequent to this request, in the winter of 1938-1939, the Knauer child was admitted to the University of Leipzig's pediatric clinic after attending physicians discussed her plight with her persistent father. Aside from the child's obvious physical and intellectual disabilities, the father asserted that the child, by remaining at home, was causing his wife significant psychological and emotional stress. He requested that the physicians proceed by "putting it to sleep." Initially, the doctors refused, reminding the father that such action was against the law. Undaunted, the father, encouraged by the child's grandmother, petitioned Hitler directly to sanction the child's death (Gallagher, 1990).

Arguably, the persistence of this one man became the catalyst for official genocide.

In my own editorial opinion, I wondered if the boy's father had looked into himself for his wife's unhappiness he might have discovered that he was indeed the problem, not the Knauer boy's disability.

Meanwhile, on this side of the ocean, there was a lady by the name of Margaret Sanger who started her own propaganda machine by maliciously referring to blacks as worthless human beings. She founded the Birth Control Society which later became Planned Parenthood, the largest abortion machine this world has ever seen.

All told, Abortion was the number one cause of death worldwide in 2018, with more than 41 million children killed before birth, Worldometers reports. As of December 31, 2018, there have been some 41.9 million abortions performed in the course of the year, Worldometers revealed. Since the Roe v Wade abortion decision there were a total of 60,069,971 abortions committed.

All told, 11 million people were killed during the Holocaust (1.1 million children). 6 million of those victims were Jewish. It is so wrong when we place an economic value on human lives with the non-disabled receiving the greatest value.

In John 9 are these words:9 As he went along, he saw a man blind from birth. 2 His disciples asked him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?”3 “Neither this man nor his parents sinned,” said Jesus, “but this happened so that the works of God might be displayed in him.

Within each human life in this world is the potential of God's holy spirit to take root in their soul and help that person do mighty things despite their disability. All it takes for that to happen is for the person to say, "yes Lord", please come into my heart.

Just as one man changed the world by convincing Hitler to kill his son, there was another man, who entered the world as God's son who took this vicious vile sin upon his shoulders and died on that cross for that sin and gives hope and life to all who receive Him

Through Jesus Christ, we have the hope our changed lives will literally change the world. By now, I hope you have picked up my pro-life stance and I am. I believe in the sanctity of human life in the womb and I believe that every child deserves life regardless of their race, creed, or disability just as it says in John 9, 'to have the works of God displayed in them.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

The evolution of a Sunday school class at NHC-Joint Heirs became Homebuilder's became Life builders

Linda and I were fortunate enough to have stable jobs in the same city, unlike countless others who must pull up anchor to look for their next uncharted territory.  We've been blessed to remain in the same church through the years, using our spiritual gifts to edify the body of Christ. 

When we were first married in 1988, we knew we needed to be involved in an adult Sunday school class with other like-minded couples. A few of us met with one of the pastors and soon after, joint-heirs was started to encourage the body of young married couples as they start off on a new path together. 

When this group grew the class had to move into a slightly larger space. As our group got larger through the addition of children and new homes, the class changed their name to Homebuilder's with a Sunday new's bulletin called the 'blueprint'. 

 Our class was made up of individuals who used their spiritual gifts to edify the body of Christ- from the greeter at the door to the one doing the announcements to those who were good at finding speakers to edify the body of Christ with messages from God's word. 

As our children aged, we began to witness health problems and deaths of good friends. One moment we are celebrating another year of marriage with them while the next moment we are at their celebration of life service.

  Life, I've learned, isn't always fair, but I've also learned that our Lord is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow and He is the anchor for my soul.

As our children left home to go to college and we began to experience the empty nest syndrome, our group once again evolved and became Life builder's to once again edify the body of Christ to help their relationships become stronger through some of the fiercest storms. 

If I could close my eyes and see the invisible world, I would see Jesus walking by our side, sometimes carrying us, as we navigate those storms of this life. 

What if instead of people leaving the Church for other seemingly more fruitful churches we ask God to reveal to us our spiritual gifts and a ministry to use our gifts? Maybe, they will experience the blessings of watching others grow in their faith through the use of their gifts. 

In God's kingdom, there is no such thing as unemployment- God will use anyone willing to practice their spiritual gift in the body of Christ.

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Post Traumatic Stress and the power of story | Tom Skerritt | TEDxRainier

One day I picked up the newspaper and saw this article about the Minnesota correctional institution in Stillwater was embarking on a mission to teach inmates the art of writing their stories as a means of working through the emotional pain of their past ( post-traumatic stress). As I listen to peoples stories through the years of their own trauma, I get this sense that they try to bury their pain with the aid of alcohol, drugs, or other illicit activity.  In grief share, we are taught the value of journaling as a means of processing our pain associated with the trauma from their loss.

  Journaling starts off as a difficult task at hand because it means bringing to the surface one's pain, and they really do not want that.  Studies have shown that when we keep a journal of our day by day, sometimes hour by hour emotional trauma, that in time our trauma becomes less our psychological well being which leads to improved functioning in daily activities.

I invite anyone who struggles with nightmares to begin this journaling or storytelling process because, I believe, it is a tool that will help you recover.  

As a Christian, I also believe there is one more thing we can do which is to place one foot in front the other and continue attending a nearby Bible-believing church regardless of how you might be feeling that day.  Ny family and I did this when our 10-year old daughter unexpectantly passed away and that weekly ritual of Church attendance where we rubbled shoulders with other people, listened to sermon messages and sang praise and worship songs helped us to recover from the post-traumatic stress associated with that loss.

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Perkins, the place of all night study sessions, first dates, family meals is now closed.

Say it isn't so and that maybe I misheard that Perkin's is now closed Tell me that this is only temporary and the place known for pancakes is returning soon. 

As a child, the promises of having brunch after Church got us moving in the morning. In high school, this place was a gathering spot after the Friday night football games. It was a place of all-night cram sessions before the final exam in college. It became a popular place to bring a date for that after-movie discussion.

Perkin's, you outlasted Uncle John's pancake house, a place where kids got black mustaches to stick under their nose- wet sloppy mustaches when they had a really bad cold.

Say it isn't so and that this is all just a marketing ploy to generate more business! What are the college kids going to do when they can't find another 24-hour establishment to hunker down and study?  Will their grades go down and will the economy suffer when those kids aren't able to make the grades for better jobs? 

Say it isn't so and this closing is just a joke to make us worry what life would be like without the chocolate chip pancakes smothered with Chocolate syrup and whipped cream or the magnificent 7?

Say it isn't so that your restaurants will be shuttered with a for sale sign above the building. Where will we go for some traditional American food that will make us happy and is sure to fill up the kiddos?

Oh Perkin's, Oh Perkin's
Where ought we go when the lights are turned out one final time?
Baker's Square, Key's cafe, Hen House Eatery?
They are nice, but they close way early
Must we start learning to make those pancakes at home?
Say it ain't so!

Oh Perkin's, Oh Perkin's
Where ought the young college kids go to study for their exams
the night before, 
while eating pancakes, 
downing coffee,
and enjoying an occasional conversation with a student 
in the next booth,
also studying for their exam, downing tons of coffee

Oh Perkin's, oh Perkin's 
Your closing will only mean that the family rituals  will end
What other places can we entice to kids to get ready for 
church on time?

Say it ain't so 
and find a way to stay open
For the love of humanity and  our love for comfort food
stay open!

Here is a Perkin's commercial jingle from 1987

Sunday, September 1, 2019

For better, or for worse. Learning the art of wound care is a way of supporting one's spouse much like Jesus washing the disciples feet.

12 When he had finished washing their feet, he put on his clothes and returned to his place. “Do you understand what I have done for you?” he asked them. 13 “You call me ‘Teacher’ and ‘Lord,’ and rightly so, for that is what I am. 14 Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet. 15 I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you. 16 Very truly I tell you, no servant is greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him. 17 Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them.John 13

As I reflect back to our wedding day I remembered how perfect we all looked standing at the alter watching Pastor Dave perform our ceremony. The bridesmaids were beautiful. The groomsman looked stately in their black tuxes, but the bride who would soon be given away by her dad was more beautiful in her flowing white wedding gown as her beauty sent shivers to this groom as she approached her way toward the Alter to the sounds of the wedding march. 

I remember how perfect we all looked and if I could freeze time, I would.

For better or for worse. We did the right thing by dedicating our marriage before God and deciding to plant our feet through our commitment to a local church. After all, we knew we needed accountability from God and through our acts of service to each other and those around us. We knew from reading the holy scriptures from Genesis to Revelations that there would be many trials that make their way into our lives. That, the perfection of that wedding day wouldn't necessarily continue.

For Sickness and in health. As we recited those marriage vows, we made a commitment toward God that we would be there for each other- whether it was cleaning up after each other when the other was too weak to clean up after themselves, or cleaning the surgical wounds left from the surgery.

Jesus gave us a word picture when he removed their sandals and lovingly removed the dirt from the souls of their feet- to remind them that they must do this to each other as a sign of humbling love toward each other- a message to the world that they are loved by the creator, Savior, and Lord of this world. A message that people around the world yearn to hear and yearn to receive.

2 Corinthians 4:16 reminds us that "Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day." I think of those words each time I cleanse my wife's surgical wound and the vow I made to her on our wedding day, June 18h, 1988.

Life will never be what it was yesterday, or the day before, or even the way they were years ago. Yet, as we progress along life's pathway, our Lord builds us up through the people he brings across our path.

Someone once asked me I wished to be young again and my response was when I was in my 20's I could do anything with my strength, but now that I'm older, God gives me the understanding, the wisdom, and the platform to share Christ to a starving generation- 'For Better or for worse, in Sickness and in health.