
Wednesday, January 9, 2019

So often in life we have feelings of being abandoned and forgotten by God. As you lean into God through your bible reading and prayer you will discover that He has not forsaken you.

Matthew 27:46 New International Version (NIV)

46 About three in the afternoon Jesus cried out in a loud voice, “Eli, Eli,[a]lema sabachthani?” (which means “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”).[b]

We oftentimes feel the sting of Jesus's words in our own lives when things we least expect to happen do happen to us.  That untold diagnosis, the call we received at 2:30 in the morning, or being told you have a progressive disability bring that momentary reflection that God forgot about you. The moment Jesus uttered those words from high up on that cross where he hung there with beads of blood and sweat dripping below, it reminded me that God understood the pain of being human.  

Just for a moment, pretend that you are on the ground looking up at Jesus. You are witness to the cruel and heartless Roman soldiers mocking Jesus with there taunts. Imagine the tears in your eyes when you recalled being among witnesses when this man healed the man who was born blind, or you were there when he bought Lazarus back to life after he had been dead for 3 days. In your heart, you knew that Jesus was the savior, but you were too timid to admit you were one of his followers because of your fear of retribution, or worse you might wind up on a cross at this very site and punished for your misguided belief.

Yet, the story doesn't end there. Yes, he died on that cross. Yes, he was placed in a tomb and a stone was rolled into place preventing anyone from entering. Yet, when one of his disciples went to the tomb the next morning his body wasn't there.  Jesus appeared back to life and forever conquered the sting of death. Furthermore, through the power of God's holy spirit, you have a helper to conquer any of life's problems. 

In hindsight, God hasn't forsaken you.  He is simply a prayer call away. Cry out to Jesus the next time you feel forsaken and watch him do a mighty work in you- after all, God truly loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life!

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