The entire Bible is God's love affair with the human race. He desires to reach the souls of men and woman and give them peace and fulfillment.
There is a predicament facing a man that often doesn't show up until they lose someone special in their lives. A predicament that sends men running in the opposite direction when 'bad' things happen to them. Depression, anger, guilt, and hate fill their hearts when someone dies.
"If you're a loving God, then why in hell couldn't you keep my loved one alive. If you loved me then why couldn't you keep my parents together, my sibling alive, and my mom from dying?
Focus on your own despair you will lose hope, but focus on the Cross of Jesus and you will find peace and understanding of your circumstances.
Focus on reading God's love story you will see how much Jesus loves you.
Just as Reverend Billy Graham's earthly life has come to an end, our own lives will one day conclude it's earthly existence. Where will your eternal destiny take you? To hell away from God, or to heaven in the presence of Jesus Christ. A quick check on death statistics reveals that 151,600 people each day die and every hour 6,316 die. The general consensus is that we're all going to die.
I hope this message will help you make the right eternal decision.