
Tuesday, October 25, 2016

It is when we are suffering that Jesus wants us to have conversations with him....

IYour word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path. Psalm 119:105

In conversational style as though I were talking to a friend, I share my burden, my pain, and all my hurts with my Savior Jesus. It seems, that those moments of conversations happen in the middle of the night when I cannot sleep when the images of my suffering come to the forefront of my thoughts. 

When my thoughts gravitate to.....

If only I had done this
If only my loved one had listened to me
If only I could rewind life's take for a do-over

It is that moment when my thoughts are lifted up to my Savior Jesus It is that moment Jesus comforts me so I can lull myself to sleep.  

Our lives are like the rocky, perilous mountain path, narrow and unsteady with thoughts of uncertainty each time I look down and see the cascading stones slip away each step I take. 

When my thoughts drift to the 'what if's' of life......

What if my faith isn't strong enough?
What if God isn't who he said he was?
What if He doesn't hear my cry?

It is at this point on my perilous path that my shepherd Jesus gently lifts me up and carries me. In conversation style, I tell my savior Jesus...

Thank you, Jesus, for hearing my cry
Thank you, Jesus, for listening to my momentary affliction
Thank you, Jesus, for rescuing me
Thank Jesus for being my guiding light on this treacherous journey

Once the ground beneath my feet levels out my savior Jesus sets me down so I could once again walk beside him and share my afflictions in a conversational style. Just as he has been my guide through these darkest days, he wants to be yours too. Won't you unlock the door to your heart and welcome the king of Kings, the lord of Lords in?  

It just might be the beginning of many conversations!

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