I was reflecting on the displaced families over this holiday time of year. Divorces, death, gambling addictions leading to homelessness often leads children down a wrong way path of insecurity and instability.
I was remembering that it was the sudden death of my dad's mom when he was just a little baby that caused his dad to have a severe reaction to his 'battle fatigue or today's version we otherwise think of PTSD. Dad was just a baby when his mom and dad lived in a home in Farmington, Minnesota when his mom, Cora, died. His dad had been a woodworker when life came to a screeching halt when he was unable to function.
His dad, Levi, wound up in the St. Cloud Veteran's home when he was unable to continue making a living and take care of his son's Frank, and his brother Roger was taken in by his mom's family in Robbinsdale, Minnesota. They lived a life of insecurity and instability and were taught that the only way of recovering from the emotional pain of loss would be to work hard and do well in school. Emotions became secondary in their lives. When dad entered the service when World War two broke out that work ethic was reinforced.
I began to reflect on the time of Jesus's birth and the upheaval of that time when King Harrod sent an order to kill every firstborn child 2 years old and younger and the emotional upheaval it caused for all families of that era.
Baby Jesus came into the world in a path of insecurity and instability when the only place Joseph could find for this new born's birth was a relatively dirty feeding trough behind the inn. Like my dad's dad, Joseph was also a woodworker with a reputation of working hard.
To think that God could have chosen to bring his son into the world through nobility and purple linens and yet he chose a simple working-class family to bring the Savior of the world is incomprehensible to any human mind, but as we read the words from Matthew to John we see that there was a reason to that madness.
Today, there are many families that are wrecked with dysfunction caused by divorce and utter chaos that need the hope of the living Savior to breathe on them Everyone needs the savior to breathe life into them to renew and refresh their aching souls which have been wreck by dysfunction that happened so long ago that many no longer are aware what caused their original pain.
God wants no one to suffer. He desires everyone to be healed from their affliction and for relationships to be restored.
It is through the power of Jesus Christ that heals the wounds of our past. Life may never be the same after a loss, but with Jesus Christ, help life can bring you back on the road of security and stability, regardless of the family dysfunction of your pass.