Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness? 2 Corinthians 6:14
These are examples of cultural strongholds that cling to our lives. Like going up against an evil giant they refuse to die. These cultural strongholds are very real and have origins to evil pagan traditions.
The Mason's are one such group that most people see as a 'good' group, but the reality is this group is a very evil organization with satanic roots. They have the appearance of doing good with their Shrine circuses that have entertained kids forever and their contributions of money to worthwhile causes certainly have that same appearance; yet, when you research the history of the Mason's you find they are anything but 'good' Here is a CBS video that gives you a glimpse of this secret group:
What I found interesting was how they attempted to debunk all of the conspiracy theories about this organization, but in the end there was a 'secret, closed door society they refused to share. Satan loves to parade in secrecy, in darkness, in a shroud of mystic. Just like their work they do through the Shriner's hospitals for children trick or treating has become the rallying cry of why we should allow our children to trick or treat.
As Christian's is this what we ought to be doing to our children? To introduce the powers of darkness through the innocence of taking them door to door, dressed in scary costumes in the name of fun?
My own personal opinion is that it is not. My opinion as a believer in Jesus Christ and a child of the light that we must have no part of this pagan tradition because once you open the door just a crack one day other forces of evil will push it wide open. They will come masquerading like the free mason's luring you in because everyone's doing it mentality. After all, who wouldn't want to be a mason with an allstar membership lineup of theirs?
We ought to instead mentor our children into the goodness of our Lord Jesus Christ, teach them and help them memorize the word of God by attending a church with a great children's program.
We do this we are raising an awesome generation of children who will be able to defeat the strongholds of Halloween and bring people to Christ.
The Mason's are one such group that most people see as a 'good' group, but the reality is this group is a very evil organization with satanic roots. They have the appearance of doing good with their Shrine circuses that have entertained kids forever and their contributions of money to worthwhile causes certainly have that same appearance; yet, when you research the history of the Mason's you find they are anything but 'good' Here is a CBS video that gives you a glimpse of this secret group:
What I found interesting was how they attempted to debunk all of the conspiracy theories about this organization, but in the end there was a 'secret, closed door society they refused to share. Satan loves to parade in secrecy, in darkness, in a shroud of mystic. Just like their work they do through the Shriner's hospitals for children trick or treating has become the rallying cry of why we should allow our children to trick or treat.
As Christian's is this what we ought to be doing to our children? To introduce the powers of darkness through the innocence of taking them door to door, dressed in scary costumes in the name of fun?
My own personal opinion is that it is not. My opinion as a believer in Jesus Christ and a child of the light that we must have no part of this pagan tradition because once you open the door just a crack one day other forces of evil will push it wide open. They will come masquerading like the free mason's luring you in because everyone's doing it mentality. After all, who wouldn't want to be a mason with an allstar membership lineup of theirs?
We ought to instead mentor our children into the goodness of our Lord Jesus Christ, teach them and help them memorize the word of God by attending a church with a great children's program.
We do this we are raising an awesome generation of children who will be able to defeat the strongholds of Halloween and bring people to Christ.