
Friday, April 19, 2013

If our loved ones in heaven could say anything to us it would be do not be discouraged CUZ Jesus is coming back real soon

It seems as though no matter who we elect to public office makes a bigger mess of things than the day they first began their job. No man is perfect and no man can possibly satisfy our inner desires for peace, tax breaks to satisfy everyone and pass every conceivable legislation that we will all be able to accept.

You toss in the recent Boston marathon bombings and the loss of life and the recent release of the faces of these bomber's you wonder how so apparently healthy young men who could very well be your neighbors kids or your classmates could even perpetuate such a heinous crime? 

You consider all of the religions of the world who cannot agree on a common bond and because of that disagreement it leads to dissension with world peace and even dissension in our own families. Individual members are drawn away from their original foundation of truth depending on the college they attend and the religious orientation of the professors who teach them and how stable their own foundations are when they first begin college.

Consider to all of the ecological storms we are seeing that are happening more and more frequently.  Earthquakes, Snow storms in the end of April, large sink holes that swallow up whole houses in a Swiss cheese landscape we call Florida, raging rivers that will no doubt overflow riverbanks as it processes the melting late winter snow, Tsunami's that took the  lives of many Japanese and through this ring of fire connection threaten the west coast of the United States.

I believe these things are meant to be a wake up call for all of us who choose to slumber  their lives away playing innocent video games, listening to Ipods tunes or any other activity that lulls them into complacency. Like the proverbial frog floating in a slowly boiling pot we are fast falling to sleep in the midst of the chaotic activity around us.

If our loved ones in heaven could say anything to you at this moment it would be 'get ready cuz Jesus is coming!'  Our CIA would often to refer to increasing chatter as evidence that the terrorist are planning some big event and when they heard this chatter they would attempt to head off and defeat those attempts. I believe in heaven our loved ones are seeing evidence of Jesus's eventual return.  

If you are not sure if you are a believer in Jesus Christ you can after saying a brief word of prayer. Jesus isn't concern with how eloquent your words are or whether you sound like an actor who has rehearse his line for months, but he is concern with your heart. If you say these words in this blog you can be assured that He has come into your life just as his promises in Romans 10:13 reminds us: "Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life. He does not come into judgment, but has passed from death to life.   In the gospel of John we read these words from 5:24: "I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God that you may know that you have eternal life." 

If you are not sure and are getting increasingly worried from the recent world events, ecological changes and the depravity of man please say these words:  Dear Jesus, I know that I am a sinner and have fallen short of your standard.  I have been looking in all the wrong places for inner peace, tranquility, but no matter how frequent I do those things I am still not satisfied and I still get anxiety attacks whenever I see tragedy take place in this world.  I open up the door to my heart and I ask you to come into my heart and be with me all the rest of my days until you come back for me.  Thank you Lord Jesus for the gift of your eternal life and thank you for joining me on my earthly journey all the rest of my days in this place.

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