
Thursday, October 14, 2021

2Sing the glory of His name; make His praise glorious. 3Say to God, “How awesome are Your deeds! So great is Your power that Your enemies cower before You. 4All the earth bows down to You; they sing praise to You; they sing praise to Your name.” Selah…Psalm 66:3

I was happy to hear that Roger Peterson's song, Mighty is your Deeds, was nominated for a Dove award. Roger was the founder of STEM which stands for Short Term Evangelical Missions.  

He has led a countless number of groups from around the country to Haiti and the Dominican Republic and I was fortunate to be part of one of them. To say this trip changed my life is an understatement.  

I remember one very powerful message Roger Peterson gave on the first night in Haiti titled, 'Getting rid of your American heart'. He gave this talk to stress the point that we as American's will be just as blessed by the Haitian people as they are of us and only by getting rid of our American heart of looking down on the unfortunate will we see that reality. 

They may be poorer than us, but they were still created in the same image of God as we in the civilized western culture were. 

I also learned that these people had the same goals of making a living, raising a family, educating their children just as our parents had for us and we for our children.  

During our stay in the rural countryside, we lived in the outdoors, bathed in the nearby river, drank Coke, and ate the prepacked food we brought with us from America. 

 We attended a Christian Haitian church and sang Christian songs and listen to a message from a Haitian pastor. We were overwhelmingly blessed by the Haitian people. 

Toward the end of our stay, Roger arranged for us to enjoy a meal at the outdoor restaurant on top of the Hotel Montana. Little did we realize that this was the same hotel that collapse in a domino effect following the terrible earthquake.  God instilled within me the thought that when we get to heaven we will be worshipping and fellowshipping with people of all races and economic backgrounds. One more thing I learned from that trip and that is the power of praying for the people of God. Because Jesus Christ lives within me, I have the privilege to pray for the needs of God's people. I remember after our arrival back home the cultural shock I felt when I walked into the local Target store and saw an overwhelming number of choices in the things I could buy. Choices that were far less in the country I just came out of. 

This song written by Roger Peterson is a reminder of how mighty God's deeds are, even in this time of suffering brought on by this pandemic.


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