
Friday, August 26, 2016

The choice is yours. You can believe that God has a orderly purpose for this world by sending his son to die for us, or you can believe what Friedrich Nietzsch said that God is dead.and see life as one pain numbing party.

but those who hope in the Lord
will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint. Isaiah 40:31

We live in a world that is falling apart. It isn't the world that God intended it to be, but mankind's'insistence of being in control has created the vacuum for  evil to enter.

What if, like Nero our happiness from any given day came down between taking the  red or the blue pill? 

Every day we wake up we have a choice to make a difference. We can fall into the trap the world sets for us by telling us there are no moral absolutes, that God is a fictional character with no power to change us, and we can do anything in this world if it feels good, or as  Friedrich Nietzsche would say, 'God is dead'.

Or, we can wake up continuing to believe that God exists, that he has a plan for our lives, sent his son to die for each of us and we have the power of God dwelling in each of us  to counter the   fatalistic 'God is dead' world view. 

It is your choice, but please remember, like Nero, making the wrong choice will send you down a dangerous spiral of despair and calamity as if you were on a fast moving slide into the abyss.

 You see,that God is alive view and you see a  hope for a better tomorrow. You believe the opposite and you see no reason to stop partying, consuming pain ending drugs and consuming  alcohol just so you can get drunk and momentarily take away the pain. 

Just knowing that I have the indwelling power of the Holy Spirit  strengthens me by allowing me to filter the bad news  of today through the lens of Jesus and motivates me to  read my bible and pray for  others around me and inspires me to give honor to God,by having regular quiet times  and asking God to show me the truth from the bible to help me get through the day.

 One worldview creates negativity, while the other. gives me a positive outlook on life that desparately needs to see such an outlook. One says 'what's the use' and motivates me to continue the endless cycle of drugs and alcohol consumption and all of the serious health problems that are created. 

The God is alive view leads me on a path of positive thinking by giving me hope that my faith in Jesus Christ can be the cog in the wheel that helps people change for the better..

 One worldview forces me to give up hope and pull the blanket over my eyes so I can go back to sleep.  The other one makes me want to get up in the morning, after having a really bad day and tackling the chores of today with a fervent optimism.

 When we know that God is very much alive makes us a beacon of  light to the world in search of anything to give them hope. It is our faith that puts into perspective the calamities and unthinkable evil this world offers us on a daily basis. 

On the contrary, if I choose to fall into the trap of the fatalistic God is dead, anything goes mentality worldview I begin spiraling down a hopeless slope of despair of which there is no end.

The choice is yours and yours alone, but I will continue to believe that God has a purpose for my life and despite what happens to me from any given day, God will see me through and give me a hope for tomorrow.

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