
Saturday, November 9, 2013

Life is filled with regrets missed opportunities and sorrow, but God wants to use it for good

For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that is to be revealed to us. Romans 8:18

Recently, I returned from a conference held in St. Cloud, Minnesota. I disparately needed CEU credits. One of the people at the conference was a good friend of mine that I hadn't seen in 15 years. He and I were involved in a 2 year men's discipleship group known as a n Navigator 2:7 group where we met every week wowing each other with our bible verse memorization, encouraging each other with what we learned in our quiet times with Jesus, and lifting each other up in prayer over the painful parts of our lives. Rubbing shoulders with these guys we got to know each other. 'Mike had moved to California to take a job and start a new chapter in his life and I had took a wife and remained here to start a family.

I did the usual when I talk with a friend I hadn't seen in a while. I tell him how proud I am of my son, James, and all the things we did with him in his maturing years and how proud I was now that he had begun a new chapter called 'College life'. I told him about my wife and what she was currently doing and the new job she has come to love at her new school.

Then, I told him my 'Maria' story.Every parent who has ever lost a child has their own story to tell. Alas, I could not avoid this hard topic, nor did I want to forget that we had a daughter. I wanted to honor her memory even though the end of her life was all too soon at the age of 10. As i shared the pain of my story  my mind momentarily fluttered back to a former worker on a British slave ship known as John Newton. Mr. Newton was raised by a Christian mom before he left home to work on the open seas. First it was on a British navel ship before switching to a slave ship where it's mission was to bring back African slaves to fill the need the British had with them. The problem Mr. Newton encountered was these ships were over loaded with African men, woman and children and they were filled with the awful stench of human flesh as people died as the ship traveled back to Britain. Death was everywhere and as you can imagine those images left a painful mark on a man who was raised by a Christian mom.

John Newton left this ship and feeling incredible remorse for what he had done he decided to devote the remaining days of his life to Christian duty. It was in this phase of his life that he penned some of the greatest worship songs ever written. One of those songs you may be accustomed to hearing in church. I have listed the lyrics below.

Amazing grace! How sweet the sound 
That saved a wretch like me. 
I once was lost, but now am found, 
Was blind, but now I see.

'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear, 
And grace my fears relieved. 
How precious did that grace appear 
The hour I first believed.

Through many dangers, toils and snares 
I have already come; 
'Tis grace hath brought me safe thus far 
And grace will lead me home.

The Lord has promised good to me 
His word my hope secures; 
He will my shield and portion be, 
As long as life endures.

Tragedy will strike many of us the longer we live. There is no way we can avoid the emotions behind those events when they occur. Like the story I shared with my friend Mike and like the song that flowed out of John Newton's private suffering God can use the pain you are experiencing, and he can use it to bless future generations of people. Next time suffering enters your life embrace it and ask yourself how God wants to use it to encourage others around you.

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