“If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea. Matthew 18:6
Please note that You tube may prevent you from watching this expose done by the Austrian media and if you are blocked you can find this expose on youtube.
With that being said, I feel a need to alarm everyone of how our public schools are indoctrinating our children into believing they were born in the wrong body and through the use of puberty blockers and gender mutilitation surgery they can have this corrected.
As you listen to these stories you will be immediately hit by the regrets when they discovered that 'changing their sex' did not make them happier and they decided to de-transitioned back to their original biological sex.
One person who detransitioned said that puberty blockers and mutilation surgery destroyed her body. The puberty blockers, for example, led her to developed brittle bones. Another person who de-transitioned lamented that she would never breast feed a baby.
In a charter school in Ham Lake, Minnesota parents withdrew their children when they discovered books that were introduced to helped children as young as kindergarten to believe they can be any gender they want to be. What is worse is the secrecy of keeping parents in the dark as soon as their child is coerced into changing their name and their pronoun.
Kindergarteners are far too young to be indoctrinated into believing they were born in the wrong body. Parents, not schools, should have the final say in the upbringing of their children.
What is wrong with public schools simply sticking to teaching the basics of reading, writing and arthrimetic and leaving sex out of the equation? Isn't their primary job to prepare these children for tomorrow's technical jobs?
The latest statiscis suggests that the vast majority of students aren't able to read or do math at grade level- clearly the public educational system has failed.
Yet, our public educational system seems more concern over indoctrinating children then educatng them while receiving record numbers of cash for doing so.
In the last legislative session there was a trans legislator who said the Gender 'affirming' bill, in his words, would stop the genocide of the trans community. His bill started the public school treadmill of indoctrinating children as young as kindergarten to move toward gender mutilitation care, all without their parents knowing about it. If parents refuse to acknowledge their children's new pronouns they can be reported and the child can be removed from their home. Governor Walz even declared Minnesota a sanctuary state for families who wanted to come here to help their child change their sex.
There have been countless of interviews with children, years later, who regretted what they did to their bodies. The change did not make them any more happier than they were before. What they really needed was mental health therapy, not some social worker who met with them a few sessions before rubber stamping their need for puberty blockers, a new pronoun, and steps toward irreversible gender surgery. When unhappy children went back to their doctors who did the surgery they were met with resistance and treated as a nuisance- doctors would circle the wagons.
In their mind, they accomplish the task of enabling the child to change their sex- case closed.
As a Christian, I'm opposed to watching this kind of suffering going on with our children. I'm opposed to men who believe they can be a woman so they can use the woman's bathroom even though they haven't fully transitioned. I'm opposed to men pretending to be a woman so they can avoid incarceration in a men's prison when a violent crime is committed. I'm oppose to men pretending to be a woman so they can compete in woman's sports simply because they were incapable of competing against other men. It saddens me to watch our public schools become indoctrination centers for the trans community, instead of being centers that prepare children for tomorrows technical jobs. It concerns me that these indoctrination centers will not listen to parents if they disagree with the schools decision while at same time treating them as the enemy.
If we are to fight back against this evil, we must turn out in mass on November 7th, 2023 to vote for school board candidates who are pro-family who will fight against the trans communities indoctrination efforts to destroy children. We must do the same in November 2024 by electing a President who's got the guts to stand up to the evils that are permeating in our culture.
Experts tell me that less than 1% truly have gender dysphoria issues that require transition care and for those individuals such care should be allowed, but for the rest of these children, mental health therapy is what they need to help them adjust to their biological sex. You aren't going to hear this on mainstream media, or in our public health system because this isn't the narrative they want you to hear.
But, we must fight back by against the public education system. We must make our voices louder than the voices on the other side. We must do this to save our biological children and woman. Together, we can accomplish this task.