
Sunday, September 5, 2021

The State of Texas fired the first shot now backed by the United Supreme Court to eventually eliminate abortion on demand .

As he went along, he saw a man blind from birth. 2 His disciples asked him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?”

3 “Neither this man nor his parents sinned,” said Jesus, “but this happened so that the works of God might be displayed in him. 4 As long as it is day, we must do the works of him who sent me. Night is coming, when no one can work. 5 While I am in the world, I am the light of the world.”  John 9
I was excited over the news of the State of Texas passing a law that forbids the taking of a baby's life as soon as a heartbeat was detected. I was even more excited over the prospects that the United States Supreme Court allowed the law to stand. The original 1970's law was a law based on lies. The legal team essentially used a woman who wasn't even pregnant to be the Jane Doe that would eventually pave the way for abortion on demand. To understand the context of this law you have to understand that this was an era where 'free love' and drugs ruled the land of young people.

I was reminded how angry the Democratic left was with the passage of the recent Texas landmark abortion law when an acquitance from high school posted a picture of a coat hanger as a reminder that woman will seek back alley abortions to terminate the life within their bodies. When a CBS news reporter said that woman have been calling Oklahoma abortion clinics since the law was passed, but when the same reporter failed to quote her source I knew it was a bogus attempt to create drama where none existed.

I believe there are more people in America who believe in prolife than those who support abortion on demand and the democratic leadership are mad as hell that we know this. Come with me as I take you on a historical journey so you can better understand the evils that lurk behind the cloak of planned parenthood.

To begin, the evils didn't begin in the 1970's with Roe v. Wade, but it began shortly after the civil war ended on April 9th, 1865. It was during this time when the wealthy democractic land owners were no longer able to profit off of slave labor that they knew they had a problem- there were to many blacks running around the country side and these land owners saw it as a major problem.

It was in this atmosphere, that the original eugenics movement was founded. This movement was made up with men dressed in long white robes with a mission to terrorize blacks. It was a frightening time for blacks who were now learning how to enjoy their new found freedom and enjoy the process of starting businesses and operating farms of their own.

Fast forward to 1921 and now we have a woman who was highly racist named Margaret Sanger who founded the Birth control league, a program desiged to prevent blacks from breeding.

Some notable quotes from Margaret Sanger: (1) Sanger called for the sterilization of those with mental and physical disabilities, including “morons, mental defectives, epileptics.” Out of Sanger's racist bigotry, we know that more than 30 states passed laws authorizing agencies to sterilize forcibly those considered “unfit” for childbearing. The sterilization law passed in Minnesota in 1925 stated that anyone of any age that was determined to be “feeble minded” was legally able to be sterilized, with or without permission. ... Out of the population, around 2,350 people were victimized by this sterilization.

One of Sanger’s most cherished initiatives was the Negro Project, which targeted predominantly black neighborhoods for birth control programs. It was her opinion that blacks were unfit to breed and ways must be found to control their number. In one of her interviews she compared blacks to rodents. The excellent movie, Marfa 21 describes the sordid history of the racist eugenics movement. I urge you to watch it before discussing it with friends.

Lothrop Stoddard was another person with close ties to Margaret Sanger. He was even more radical in his worldview.

Somehow, there are still some abortion supporters who insist that Planned Parenthood’s founder, Margaret Sanger and Lothrop Stoddard, weren't a racist who wanted to exterminate “inferior races.” This is, of course, despite their extensive writing on the subject and speeches at KKK rallies. Ever so politely, Google previews Stoddard’s identity in the search bar as “American Historian.” But let’s look into dear Mr. Stoddard a bit further. Lothrop Stoddard’s main business was eugenics, which is the deliberate and systemic repression of “undesirable races.” This earlier eugenics movement is no different than the Eugenics movement currently lead by modern-day eugenicist lead by Bill Gates Jr.

Lothrop Stoddard was a true white supremacist who focused his energy on the dangers posed by “colored” people to “white civilization.” He believed the “Nordic” race was superior to all others and should be kept “dominant” through the use of eugenics.

Stoddard’s three main organizations he was involved with or founded were the Ku Klux Klan (who read his works enthusiastically), the American Eugenics Society, and Margaret Sanger’s American Birth Control League.

Both he and Sanger published eugenic articles in The Birth Control Review in the 1920s and 30s. Stoddard’s work influenced the Nazi government of Germany. His book Untermensch (1922) introduced the term (English: sub-human) into Nazi conceptions of race. As a journalist, he spent time in Germany during World War II, where he interviewed several prominent Nazi officials. It’s commonly thought that the Nazis themselves came up with the subhuman, under man concept that they used to rationalize their 6-million-person genocide.

But they got it from Stoddard himself in his book Untermensch . During his time in Nazi Germany, he was treated like a prince and he outwardly supported a German court deliberation to forcibly sterilize German citizens. He even had a brief meeting with Adolf Hitler himself. Unsurprisingly, Stoddard’s popularity dropped off after World War II since the world got a good taste of what his brand of eugenics could look like after the concentration camps were liberated. Stoddard was a founding board member of the American Birth Control League which would soon become Planned Parenthood. One of the founding principles of the League was:

To enlist the support and cooperation of legal advisors, statesmen, and legislators in effecting the removal of State and Federal statutes which encourage dysgenic breeding.

“Dysgenic breeding” refers to procreating human beings who possess “undesirable characteristics.” Margaret Sanger focused her eugenic efforts very specifically on birth control, but she shared Stoddard’s desire to eliminate those she deemed inferior. Stoddard was just more far-reaching than Sanger in his yearnings for white supremacy, as he supported her birth control eugenics as well as the activities of the KKK and Nazi party. Any genocidal action directed towards non-whites was fine by him.

A Few Choice Quotes from Lothrop Stoddard:
“in ethnic crossings, the negro strikingly displays his prepotency, for black blood, once entering a human stock, seems never really bred out again. Negro”
― T. Lothrop Stoddard, The Rising Tide of Color Against White World-Supremacy

“black peoples have no historic pasts. Never having evolved civilizations of their own, they are practically devoid of that accumulated mass of beliefs, thoughts, and experiences which render Asiatics so, impenetrable and so hostile to white influences. Although the white race displays sustained constructive power to an unrivaled degree, particularly in its Nordic branches, the brown and yellow peoples have contributed greatly to the civilization of the world and have profoundly influenced human progress. The negro, on the contrary, has contributed virtually nothing. Left to himself, he remained a savage,”
― T. Lothrop Stoddard, The Rising Tide of Color Against White World-Supremacy

“And it is precisely the determination to get rid of the white rule which seems to be spreading like wildfire over the brown world today.”
― T. Lothrop Stoddard, The Rising Tide of Color Against White World-Supremacy

Would Lothrop Stoddard like Planned Parenthood’s identity politics and involvement with Black Lives Matter? Decidedly not. But it stands to reason that he would certainly appreciate how they (and the rest of the abortion industry) have managed to reduce the African-American population by 25% in only 50 years… all the while convincing the American public that it’s a good exercise of freedom.

Planned Parenthood has been forced to receckon with it's racist past by removing Lothrop Stoddard's name from the Planned parenthood building and scubbing all mention of Margaret Sanger from its files; yet, the truth of the matter is Planned parenthood is an organization based on lies and falsehoods, and worse yet, supported by the United States Democratic party.

Have you ever noticed how abortion clinics are always located in poor areas of town? Why not in the wealthier suburbs? This alone speaks volumes to Planned parenthood's racist past. It is hypocrisy when one realizes that the very people who support abortion of demand are themselves products of a live birth delivered by a loving mom.

Abortion isn't the only thing they do, but just like the Nazi's before them they are making millions selling baby body and organs to vendors in need of them for their, you guessed it, their wealthier clientelle. Here is an undercover video that has the director of Planned parenthood explaining the process of selling baby parts for profit. In this video, this abortionist freely explains the millions they make selling body parts.

Finally, one of the more outspoken pro life speakers was a person who worked at a planned parenthood clinic. Abby Johnson had to quit when she saw the evil that took place in the abortion room.

In this next video, Abby Johnson, explains her story from supping the Planned parenthood agenda to supporting the pro life movement:

I believe that God has a plan for each child who is born, including children who are born with a disability.

In John 9 God has this to say, " As he went along, he saw a man blind from birth. 2 His disciples asked him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?”

3 “Neither this man nor his parents sinned,” said Jesus, “but this happened so that the works of God might be displayed in him. 4 As long as it is the day, we must do the works of him who sent me. The night is coming, when no one can work. 5 While I am in the world, I am the light of the world.”

I can't imagine the anger that God must have toward the abortion industry. I believe Texas isn't the only one, but there will be other states to follow who will make committing a abortion a homicide.

Texas just shot off the first cannon and the Supreme Court supported that decision. I believe this is just the beginning as more states side with the pro-life movement and finally put an end to the Roe V. Wade law which was a law based on lies and falsehoods. I believe instead of taking the life of an unborn child we should lovingly come along side the woman in crisis and either point her in the direction of Adoption resources, or wrap around support services so she can safely deliver and bring up that child.

Thank you Texas for taking the first step! Let's follow their lead and for heavens sake don't let the old Planned parenthood ploy of the broken hanger scare you. This is the oldest trick in their tool kick

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