The year was 1996. My son was only 2 years old at the time and too young to bring to PK Minneapolis. Instead, I joined my dad and my younger brother at the Hubert H. Humphrey Metrodome. It was a powerful PK conference that touched a lot of men with many of them making confessions of faith for the first time.
To hear 55,000 men sing at the top of their lungs praises to our King was incredibly moving and for me, I felt goosebumps on my arms. Sadly, around this time the media tried to stir up derision with false claims that the movement was meant to keep women barefoot and pregnant. The media didn't or refused to believe, the movement was ordained by God to change men's hearts so they would treat and respect women better. This same media went after Coach Mac and again accused Promise keeper's as a movement that would keep the woman in the dark ages.
When I see all the men that are damaged by alcohol, drugs, who leave their wives I wonder if these men had made confessions of faith would their lives be different? Today, there is more woman going to church alone with men saying things like, "church may be good for her, but I got other things to do with my time."
We need men to confess their faith to Jesus Christ if we're ever going to see a revival in our land. More confessions of faith will mean fewer women damaged by men who abused them. More confessions of faith will mean more men to sit in the Church sanctuaries with the desire to know more about their Savior. More men who make confessions of faith mean more sons who learn to follow in their dad's steps with confessions of faith of their own- only until this happens is it possible to see a revival in America.
We need a new promise keeper's movement to bring men to God.