
Monday, February 7, 2022

Some lessons I learned from watching the one act play competitions with my wife who received high compliments for helping the students with coming up with costumes for their performance.


David Bowie's song, 'space oddities, was released just days before the Apollo 11 moon landing.

As I watched the one-act plays,  I was amazed at the talent of all the represented schools and their students.  

There was one particular school that wrote and directed a play that made you think about the subject of bullying.  They didn't win any awards, but their message made you t think.

The play centered on two young girls who were victims of a school bully who seemingly got away with his bullying until one day the classroom teacher noticed it and sent him to the school administrator's office. Although I knew this before, I was reminded once again that children with disabilities are often the victims of bullying.  

The school that did this production revealed in their program a story about the  David Bowie I never knew before. It was the encounter David Bowie had with a young man who was suspected to have Autism. 

"He told the story as if it was he'd been on an adventure back then," Magrs wrote, "and he wasn't quite allowed to tell the story. Like there was a pact, or a magic spell surrounding it. As if something profound and peculiar would occur if he broke the confidence."

Magrs asked his friend what had happened on his adventure, and the story of his magical meeting with David Bowie came spilling out:

'I was withdrawn, more withdrawn than the other kids. We all got a signed poster. Because I was so shy, they put me in a separate room, to one side, and so I got to meet him alone. He'd heard I was shy and it was his idea. He spent thirty minutes with me.

'He gave me this mask. This one. Look.

'He said: 'This is an invisible mask, you see?

'He took it off his own face and looked around like he was scared and uncomfortable all of a sudden. He passed me his invisible mask. 'Put it on,' he told me. 'It's magic.'

'And so I did.

'Then he told me, 'I always feel afraid, just the same as you. But I wear this mask every single day. And it doesn't take the fear away, but it makes it feel a bit better. I feel brave enough then to face the whole world and all the people. And now you will, too.

'I sat there in his magic mask, looking through the eyes at David Bowie and it was true, I did feel better.

'Then I watched as he made another magic mask. He spun it out of thin air, out of nothing at all. He finished it and smiled and then he put it on. And he looked so relieved and pleased. He smiled at me.

''Now we've both got invisible masks. We can both see through them perfectly well and no one would know we're even wearing them,' he said.

'So, I felt incredibly comfortable. It was the first time I felt safe in my whole life.

'It was magic. He was a wizard. He was a goblin king, grinning at me.

'I still keep the mask, of course. This is it, now. Look.'

I kept asking my friend questions, amazed by his story. I loved it and wanted all the details. How many other kids? Did they have puppets from the film there, as well? What was David Bowie wearing? I imagined him in his lilac suit from Live Aid. Or maybe he was dressed as the Goblin King in lacy ruffles and cobwebs and glitter.

What was the last thing he said to you when you had to say goodbye?

'David Bowie said, 'I'm always afraid as well. But this is how you can feel brave in the world.' And then it was over. I've never forgotten it. And years later I cried when I heard he had passed.'

My friend was surprised I was delighted by this tale.

'The normal reaction is: that's just a stupid story. Fancy believing in an invisible mask.'

But I do. I really believe in it.
And it's the best story I've heard all year."

If you want to do something to stem the increase of bullying and prevent someone you know from taking their life this CDC website has very helpful information for you.

For anyone who has ever been bullied, God loves you and has a plan for your life. How do I know? I know because of the evidence of the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.  I know that Christ's spirit resides in my soul to keep me strong when tough times come my way.  I know that Christ is simply one prayer away from my Father in heaven who promises to remain with me regardless of what happens in this world.  It is this promise from God that everyone who calls out to his name can have for their own life. 

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