My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. Psalm 139:15
Suicide is a really big problem in our country. First some statistics:
Suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in this country.
In 2017, 47, 173 American's committed suicide.
In 2017, there were 1,400,000 suicide attempts.
In 2015, suicide and self-injury cost the government 69 billion dollars.
In an article found in the Washington Post, Joshua Gordon, National Institute of Mental health had this to say about this subject: "The problems most frequently associated with suicide, according to the study, are strained relationships; life stressors, often involving work or finances; substance use problems; physical health conditions; and recent or impending crises. The most important takeaway, mental health professionals say, is that suicide is an issue not only for the mentally ill but for anyone struggling with serious lifestyle problems.
A couple of months after my daughter died suddenly following her surgery I knew I needed to get help when my depression, stomach problems and my fear I had failed as a father to bring her to adulthood and I made the appointment to see my primary doctor and later on a good psychologist to help me cope.
Life is going to be hard at times for everyone. Situational problems such as job loss, financial problems, threatening health diagnosis, relationship problems, problems with addiction are reasons why people need to enlarge their circle of friends.
It was at one appointment with my primary doctor that he shared with me that he too struggled after his brother died years ago. He was the person who shared with me that when we experience a death it is something akin to a journey that we're going to be on for a while until we feel somewhat normal again- and at best it will be a new normal since we will always miss the one who died.
Our faith communities are there to help you when you have a crisis in your life. In 1974, I made a decision to accept Jesus Christ into my life. Christ leads me to some very good faith communities through the years, but it wasn't until I entered a period of grief following the loss of family members that I saw how important those faith communities were to me as a means to help me cope with those personal crisis's.
It is the professionals that are available to help you navigate those untold crises and those threatening health problems. They are there to help you simply by calling 1-800-273-8255 (Suicide prevention hotline).
Finally, if you are experiencing the loss of a loved one that you find it hard to cope, I urge you to consider getting involved in GriefShare where they will teach you how to go through the pain, not around it. Https://
Life is far more precious than the crisis's you're experiencing in life. The words from this song remind us that God knows what you are experiencing in this life, and desires to help you on this journey.