As I was power washing our home in preparation for the arrival of the crew my wife and I noticed an area of wetness that had completely soaked some of the siding on the side of our home. When 'Dave' inspected much closer he discovered that an inappropriately placed down spout over the roof ( gutters were installed professionally to prevent such damage) had drained water much closer to the home than what he would had liked to have seen and as he peeled back the siding he discovered something much worst which was the mold that had settled in.
I knew right then that we made the right decision to have these repairs done because if I had chosen to delay for another winter these repairs and a fresh coat of paint then we would have been looking at more damage and with that a much higher repair bill.
Once the repairs were made Dave and his partners were ready to pressure paint each of the sides of our home. On one drive home I was amazed at how beautiful and glistering our home had now become!
Then I thought how a neglected home had spiritual ramifications for my life. For the first few years after the sudden loss of our daughter I was so wrapped up in seeking justice for her death that little had I realized I was doing serious damage to the ones I loved the most. Sensing that the medical system was to blame for prescribing pain medication that I thought they should have known not to prescribed I fixated on my anger as I attempted to pursue my wrongful death claim.
The continuous fixation of anger was damaging my body just as the inappropriately placed down spout was causing damage to the siding on our home.
God did not fail me. When I refused to listen to wise Spiritual counselors God brought in an attorney and used him to give me what I needed to hear. Just as he used the donkey in the book of Numbers 22:28 to speak to Balaam about the path he had chosen to take God used the final attorney to impart words of wisdom to my aching and much neglected soul.
This attorney said that I could spend the next 20 years continuously looking for an attorney who might be willing to take my wrongful death claim, but the chances are he would look at the same evidence and would render the same decision as all of the previous attorneys had rendered and once again I would have wasted years on on my negative emotions and anger Then he said if I chose to remain on this path I will have successfully caused permanent damage to my wife and son. Just as Balaam had seen God's glory through the donkey i knew that now was the time to lay down my anger and turn it over to my Savior, Jesus Christ.
Just as our home now glows as a result of the fresh paint and the much needed repairs God began to turn my sorrow into joy with the confession of my anger and as he began to miracously change my life a renewed joy had returned to my loved ones.
The loss of a loved one is a tragic thing for all of us to go through, but God in his infinite wisdom provided his son, Jesus Christ, to be the bearer of our pain, our anger, and everything negative that will eat at the very fabric of our soul.
All that pain was nailed on the cross with Christ and when he was resurrected he gave us the means of experiencing a free pass to heaven with the only requirement was to accept Jesus as your personal Savior and Lord of your life. All it takes is a simple prayer confessing that you are a sinner and asking the Lord Jesus who is knocking on the door of your heart to come into your life so you can be with him forever.
Just like our home now glistens under the majesty of the sun the new found holy spirit that comes with your new life in Christ will cause you to glow under the Majesty of the Son.